Fuel Cleaning, Filtration and Polishing service covering South East England
Pure fuel solutions came about through a demand from boat owners wanting to remove contaminants from hundreds of litres of fuel that was too costly to just throw away when it was only contaminated by water and or bacteria. There was also a demand for fuel tank cleaning to try to prevent the problem returning and for advice on the best ways to store and treat the fuel so it will remain uncontaminated for longer periods of time.
This expanded to include plant, agricultural machinery, data centres, generators and commercial and domestic heating oil tanks.
Today we offer all of these services and more.
Through our contacts we have access to the expertise to develop and implement high quality bespoke systems based on individual requirements that comply with the strictest regulations for health and safety.
The design team have almost 20 years of experience in this field and have designed systems that have eradicated and prevented contamination of fuel in some of the harshest environments. This enables us to offer the most effective products on the market today.
We offer filtration systems that can be powered by:
• 110V popular for site work
• 230V for standard applications
• 12V and 24V systems for remote filtration and fuel polishing
We believe in keeping things simple, transparent and straightforward and apply this standard to both the services we offer and our pricing structure.
You can be confident that working with pure fuel solutions means there are never any hidden costs or nasty surprises, just a prompt, efficient and cost effective service.